Saturday, October 3, 2015

Philanthropy in My Backyard

I was asked to write about a current event in the news and I did not know what to write about. There is always so much happening in our world today both good and bad and it is hard to pick what you want to share your opinion on. I have talked for two posts about the Syrian refugee crisis and its sad to say that, that was the fist thing to pop into my head when given this task. I do not want to bore you with only talking about that topic, because that is not what this blog is about. This blog is about sharing how philanthropies are changing the world, and I did know how to spin that into a current event post, despite all my research. Finally something clicked and I realized that I don't have to write about what someone is doing, but I can write about what we can do.

I want to talk to you guys about a current event here on my college campus and even though this is not breaking news or important to some, this is important to me. Central Michigan University is the home of the state headquarters to Special Olympics and for our Homecoming weekend this year we hosted a 5k to help raise money for Special Olympics and all that they do. The race was actually this morning and I got to witness it first hand as I walked to work, while also knowing a handful of the participants. CMLIFE writes that "the purpose of the Homecoming 5K is to raise awareness and funding for nearly 21,000 Special Olympics athletes in Michigan. The donations SOMI receives helps to cover the cost of sending athletes to competitions. The goal this year is to raise $13,000."

I just think that, that is amazing beyond all belief. To gather a community, a township and a campus together as one to raise money for this amazing philanthropic organization is beautiful. I think that we should do more things like this and try to make at home philanthropic endeavors a more prominent thing, especially in our news. We could talk for days about this shooting or this war, etc. but if we could get people to talk instead on how these people are changing the world or how this organization is making a difference imagine how much better our world would be. A girl can hope right. Share how you help the world, post it on social media, learn about other organizations and lets try to better what is being shared in our news and communities.

*if you didnt notice the hyperlink, here is the link to the CMLIFE article


  1. Alison,
    I think it is so awesome that you talked about the 5K on campus and how the proceeds go to Special Olympics. I feel that a lot of people on campus are probably not familiar with the fact that their state headquarters is on our campus and I think it is a very important thing to know and be proud of as CMU students.

  2. While I knew that CMU helped out with the special olympics I was not even aware myself that it was the state headquarters for it. That's AWESOME! And what's even better is that you were out there helping out with it. Thank you!
